Sunday, November 21, 2010

Boys, Boys, Boys!

My friend Jen has FOUR boys! Yes, her hands are full and her stories of day-to-day life are very entertaining! Keaton was cold (and had just woken up) and cried during the shoot but thank heavens Jen is so laid back.  Her favorite Christmas card pictures are the ones where one of the kids is crying or throwing a fit. I agree! It depicts real life as children aren't always going to be posing and smiling perfectly for the camera.  I was thankful for her attitude and I think she's going to get her entertaining Christmas card! Kody decided to copy Keaton after a while and was acting out a "fake cry" and running off.  Hilarious.

 The Boys
All of the boys except for runaway Kody.  Good job on the outfits Jen! Very fitting for the urban background!


  1. We love the pics! Camden loved the picture of him. He said "ewww very sexy of me". Yep I think the first one will be the Christmas card picture. Or maybe the last one w/ a little one of Kody alone since he was running off. Thanks! You are freaking talented & you are the laid back one. I think most photographers would have shown some frustration towards a whiny kid and a runner. It was fun & memorable. I honestly don't know how you even got any good ones. Nice job!!!!

  2. I love these! This could be my life. I can relate! adorable and little Kody and Keaton make me laugh ;) so cute.


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